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World Class Spine Care In Austin, TX




When Do You Need To Visit a Spine Surgeon?

Almost everyone will experience some form of back pain as they grow older. Usually, some pain will arise after strenuous physical activities that take their toll on the muscles. However, some cases cannot be treated using the conservative methods prescribed by primary care doctors, chiropractors, or physical therapists. In cases of severe back pain, it…


What Is Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery?

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS) is an alternative to the traditional surgical procedures performed to treat disorders of the spine. Utilizing smaller incisions and special tools, minimally invasive spine surgery offers less postoperative pain, quicker recovery, and more outpatient options. Complications and risks such as infections and blood loss are also reduced by this procedure…


The Basics of Spinal Fusion Recovery

Spinal fusion is a surgical process that fuses two or more vertebrae so they heal as one solid bone. By “welding” the vertebrae together, spinal fusion eliminates motion between the bones, which is theorized to be the cause of pain. The procedure also prevents the nerves, surrounding muscles, and ligaments from stretching. Generally, spinal fusion…


Spine Surgery Can Do What Other Therapies May Not

When patients encounter problems in the back and neck, spine surgery is often considered by surgeons as the last resort after other therapies have failed to relieve the pain. In rare cases, spine surgery can address problems other treatment modalities cannot. For persistent pain related to a mechanical issue in the spine, it might be…


Spondylolisthesis vs. Spondylolysis

Both conditions mentioned commonly cause low back pain in younger athletes. Spondylolysis is a stress fracture occurring in one of the vertebrae.  This condition, as stated above, usually affects adolescents and even children who are involved in sports which exert pressure on the lumbar (lower spine).  For example, weightlifting, football and gymnastics. While the two…


Eliminate Your Leg Pain with Sciatica Surgery

Sciatic pain can be a recurring problem, bringing with it a loss of mobility.  It can be debilitating. But you can eliminate your leg pain with sciatica surgery.  Let’s read a little more about sciatica and find out when surgery can be helpful. The sciatic nerve The largest nerve in the body, the sciatic nerve…


What to Expect from Revision Spine Surgery

There is nothing a patient who’s undergone spine surgery wants to hear less than “you need a revision”.  After having gone through the original surgery, they’re told that something has gone wrong.   When this happens, you’ve had “failed back surgery” and may require a revision. The failure can be attributed to many factors but often,…


Pinched Nerve in the Neck? Get Help Today!

A pain in the neck can sometimes mean a pinched nerve.  But how the heck does that happen and why?  Let’s look at the condition and get some answers, then get you some help! Cervical Radiculopathy A pinched nerve in the neck is referred to in medical terms as “cervical radiculopathy”.  When a nerve is…


Why do I Need Spine Surgery Again?

You’ve had your spine surgery. But you’re still in pain.  You had anticipated that surgery with great hope and now that it’s done, you’re disappointed and following a consultation with your spinal surgeon, you’re looking at yet another surgery.  Or maybe you’re reading this, looking for answers about the persistent post-surgical pain you’re in. If…


Don’t let Spring Yard Work Become a Pain in the Back

Ah, Spring!  It’s time to get out there and start digging in the dirt, right? But before you do, we’d like you to take a moment to read this post, outlining some ways to protect your back while you’re out there digging. Don’t let spring yard work become a pain in the back.  Instead, follow…