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World Class Spine Care In Austin, TX




Don’t let Spring Yard Work Become a Pain in the Back

Ah, Spring!  It’s time to get out there and start digging in the dirt, right? But before you do, we’d like you to take a moment to read this post, outlining some ways to protect your back while you’re out there digging. Don’t let spring yard work become a pain in the back.  Instead, follow…


How Spinal Cord Stimulator Systems Work

Pain messages from the rest of the body are forwarded urgently to the brain.  How spinal cord stimulator systems work is by blocking those urgent messages.  SCS is an ideal pain management strategy for those with chronic pain and for those who’ve experienced a failed back surgery.  It may also be used for other types…


Randall F. Dryer, MD, FACS is Meritoriously Named a “Patient Preferred Spine Surgeon” for the State of Texas!

For his dedication and excellence in patient care, Patient Preferred Physicians and Practitioners proudly named Dr. Randall F. Dryer, MD, FACS a Patient Preferred Physician representing Orthopedic & Spine Surgery for the state of Texas. With nearly four decades of achievement in a specialty, Dr. Dryer treats patients at the Central Texas Spine Institute in…


Common Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease

The upper vertebrae (cervical – in the neck) and lower vertebrae (lumbar – lower back) are the portions of your spine most subject to injury and deterioration. And it’s in these portions of your spine that you’re most likely to encounter degenerative disc disease. Not truly a “disease”, degenerative disc disease describes the natural process…


Is Your Mattress Worsening Your Back or Neck Pain?

If you’ve been experiencing spine pain in the back or neck, how much consideration have you given to the state of your mattress? Do you even know how long you’ve been sleeping on it?  If you don’t (because you’ve been sleeping on it for so long you can’t remember when you first purchased it), then…


When is Spine Surgery the Next Right Step?

Chronic back pain plagues so many of us.  It’s a leading public health concern, having a major impact on US productivity.  Many chronic back pain sufferers try every possible cure under the sun, from physical therapy to core exercises, acupuncture and myriad other therapies.  Some are effective.  Others?  Not so much. Chronic pain of any…


Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery for Scoliosis

People everywhere are talking to their doctors about minimally invasive surgery, especially with respect to the spine. This style of intervention offers patients many benefits.  Because of the small incision size, there’s a much lower potential for infection, for one.  For another, the patient experiences significantly reduced surgical trauma.  Hospital stays are reduced and recovery…


Preparing for Spine Surgery: 5 Key Considerations

Spine surgery is an important step and not at all to be taken lightly.  It’s a commonly held belief that the patient is a passive, silent party to surgeries of all kinds but the truth is that you need to do more than just show up. This post, preparing for spine surgery: 5 key considerations,…


Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery Can Relieve Pain, Numbness, and Weakness

Pain and numbness in the hands and arms can rob you of your ability to enjoy life.  But did you know that the pain, numbness and weakness you’re experiencing may be generated by an anomaly in your cervical vertebrae? This is the upper section of your spine, in the neck.  When there’s a problem in…


Why Do I Need Psychological Screening for Spinal Cord Stimulation?

Spinal cord stimulation deploys an implanted device to send electrical currents to block pain messages to your brain.  The devices used are implanted in the patient around the spinal canal. The idea of having a device implanted in the body can be stressful for some, even causing anxiety, so psychological screening for spinal cord stimulation…