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World Class Spine Care In Austin, TX

Epidural Steroid Injections (ESIs)

People suffering from back pain can seek relief at Austin’s Central Texas Spine Institute, where caudal epidural steroid injections can be administered safely and effectively. This  non-surgical procedure takes only a few minutes, and many patients experience back pain relief right away.

During the epidural steroid injection procedure, an anesthetic steroid medication is delivered to inflamed nerve roots in the lower spine. After administering a local anesthetic to numb the skin and intervening tissue, your spine health specialist inserts a long, flexible needle through an opening in the sacrum. The sacrum is a bone plate at the back of the pelvis, just above the tailbone. To check for proper placement, a small amount of contrast solution is sent through the needle. An imaging device called a fluoroscope is then used to view the solution’s location in your body, and adjustments are made to the needle’s position if necessary.

Once the needle is properly positioned, the anesthetic steroid solution is injected, bathing the irritated nerve roots and producing immediate back pain relief in many patients. Occasionally a patient may need to return for one or more additional injections before they experience results. Caudal epidural steroid injection is not a treatment for every type of back pain, and you will need to talk to a professional spinal expert to determine if it’s the right treatment for you. Let us take your back pain away and put you on the path to a strong, healthy spine. Contact the Central Texas Spine Institute with any questions you may have about our treatments and the health of your spine.

Benefits of Epidural Steroid Injections (ESIs)

Epidural steroid injections (ESIs) have become a common and effective treatment option for individuals experiencing pain and inflammation in the spine. Administered by qualified healthcare professionals and spine specialists, ESIs involve the injection of corticosteroid medication into the epidural space of the spine. Central Texas Spine Institute in Austin recognizes the benefits of ESIs and works with patients to determine their eligibility for this treatment.

Here are some key benefits of Epidural Steroid Injections:

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Pain Relief

ESIs provide localized back pain relief by reducing inflammation and suppressing the immune response around the spinal nerves. The corticosteroid medication injected into the epidural space can help alleviate back pain caused by conditions like herniated discs, spinal stenosis, or degenerative disc disease. By targeting the source of the back pain, ESIs can provide significant relief and improve daily functioning.

Non-Surgical Approach

ESIs offer a non-surgical alternative to spine surgery to individuals who prefer to explore conservative spine treatment options first. Many patients find relief with ESIs, allowing them to avoid or postpone surgical intervention. This makes ESIs particularly beneficial for individuals who are not surgical candidates due to underlying health conditions or for those who want to exhaust non-invasive options before considering surgery.

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Reduced Inflammation

Inflammation is a common contributor to pain and discomfort in the spine. ESIs deliver corticosteroids directly to the inflamed area, leading to a localized reduction in inflammation and swelling. By targeting the underlying cause of pain, ESIs can help restore mobility and improve quality of life.

Improved Functioning and Quality of Life

Chronic pain can significantly impact daily functioning and overall quality of life. By reducing pain and inflammation, ESIs from our spine specialists in Austin can enhance mobility, reduce reliance on pain medication, and allow individuals to resume their regular activities. Improved functioning and decreased pain can positively impact mental well-being, allowing individuals to engage in a more active and fulfilling lifestyle.


Who is a Candidate for Epidural Steroid Injections (ESIs)?

ESIs may be recommended for individuals who experience persistent back pain or radiating pain in the arms or legs (referred to as radicular pain) due to conditions such as:


Herniated Discs:

When the gel-like material inside a spinal disc bulges or leaks out, it can irritate nearby nerves and cause pain. Individuals with herniated discs that are causing radicular pain may benefit from ESIs.


Spinal Stenosis:

Spinal stenosis occurs when the spaces within the spine narrow, putting pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. ESIs may be considered for individuals with spinal stenosis who experience radicular pain or weakness in their extremities.


Degenerative Disc Disease:

With age, the spinal discs can degenerate, leading to pain and inflammation. ESIs may be used to manage symptoms related to degenerative disc disease, such as chronic back pain or radicular pain.

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Sciatica is characterized by pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down the legs. ESIs can provide relief for individuals experiencing sciatic pain due to compression or irritation of the nerve.


It is essential to undergo a comprehensive evaluation with a spine specialist or pain management specialist in Austin to determine if ESIs are the appropriate spine treatment option for your specific condition. We will take into account your medical history, imaging studies, and a thorough physical examination to assess your eligibility for ESIs.
While ESIs offer significant benefits, there are certain factors to consider when determining candidacy. Your healthcare provider or spine specialist will consider factors such as allergies to medication, existing health conditions, ongoing medications, and the presence of infections near the injection site. They will also discuss potential risks and side effects to ensure you make an informed decision.



It is essential to undergo a comprehensive evaluation with a spine specialist or pain management specialist in Austin to determine if ESIs are the appropriate spine treatment option for your specific condition. We will take into account your medical history, imaging studies, and a thorough physical examination to assess your eligibility for ESIs.
While ESIs offer significant benefits, there are certain factors to consider when determining candidacy. Your healthcare provider or spine specialist will consider factors such as allergies to medication, existing health conditions, ongoing medications, and the presence of infections near the injection site. They will also discuss potential risks and side effects to ensure you make an informed decision.